Rachel Dunn (She/Her)

Arts & Engagement Coordinator

I have been with SPCC since November 2017 working in a variety of roles and now settled in as the studio arts teacher. Because I am very passionate about nature and outdoor education, if I’m not in the studio you can find me outside developing and maintaining our outdoor classroom! I am very excited about integrating art and nature into all aspects of learning. I believe that free play and exploration are key to every child’s development and we are here to guide them and support them. I strive to help them be kind, responsible and respectful little humans with vivid imaginations and big dreams! 

I received my B.S. in Therapeutic Recreation and Art from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. In my free time I love to bike, cook, create art at home, and go on adventures with my husband, Jim, and dog, Wisco!