Scholarships at SPCC

The intent of this program is to provide financial assistance to families that might not otherwise be able to afford the full cost of high-quality childcare provided at SPCC. This assistance is granted in the form of partial childcare scholarships, contingent upon the availability of funds. SPCC offers scholarships to families who qualify for the Child Care Assistance Program through counties in the state of Minnesota. Counties set maximum rates they will pay to a program and if parents choose schools that have tuition rates higher than the maximum rates the counties have set, parents are then responsible for both their income-based co-pays as well as the difference between the school’s tuition and maximum rates set by the counties. 

At SPCC, we recognize this is problematic, as families on Child Care Assistance already struggle financially. We are committed to creating an inclusive and diverse environment, and we believe strongly that families of all socioeconomic statuses deserve high-quality early childhood education for their children. To this end, we organize annual fundraisers and allot a portion of the operating budget to support our scholarship program. 

If you would like to apply for a scholarship from SPCC, please email us at or give us a call: 651-224-4749. 

If you would like to donate to our program to help support this effort, please use the ‘Contact Us’ button and let us know. Your generous donations are very much appreciated. Thank you!